Parish Clerk: Tim Hayne T. 07900 242 114 clerk@chiltonpoldenpc.co.uk

Contact Clr Healey on mhealey@somerset.gov.uk
PARISH CLERK VACANCY more details here

If you want to get involved with Chilton Polden Playing Field Association please email: chiltonpoldenplayingfield@yahoo.co.uk
Any help no matter how big or small is always really appreciated.
What a fantastic way to end the year than with new equipment installed in the playing field. A brand new train with steering wheel and carriage is ready for its passengers and a new picnic table has also been fitted. So come down and check them out!
We've had a great year in terms of fundraising and look forward to everyone's continued support in 2019 as we have lots of exciting plans so watch this space!
Happy New Year everyone. We're off to a great start by being Gwilliams' first chosen charity to support this year ☺
We all want to lose those Christmas 'pounds' so please pop them into our collection box at the counter! All donations gratefully received and every penny goes towards the maintenance and future upgrades of our lovely village park.
A big thank you to Gwilliam's of Edington for your support
Great news, Asda Bridgwater are helping to support Chilton Polden Playing Field by adding us to their green token scheme. So get yourselves down to Asda, request the green tokens and fill up our pot! Please spread the word....

This year the playing field firework night fell on Halloween making it a spooktacular event. We were lucky with the weather, sunny all-day and warm into the evening.The usual crew started work at 1pm setting up the marquees, bar, shop and BBQ although gates did not open until 6.30pm, many people started arriving before 6!
The fair weather and fantastic signs around the village (thanks Dave) must have helped as we had a record number of people turn up, this was evidenced by the queue on the gate (which would have been longer if it wasn’t for the kind help of Michael and Martin) and the fact that we ran out of food and cider (you can tell we’re in the west country!)....

Chilton Polden
Bonfire & Fireworks
Nov 2014
Picture by Keith Ullyatt